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Construction In INDAIAL Carijós Brazil

In this category: Big and small building supply stores from INDAIAL are here. Professionals in engineering and construction. All you need to build or renovate. Brick, cement, wood, tools and more. Get to work!
Mesil Gesso
This company is specializing in the business of decorations, interior architecture and exterior plaster and cement. Working in this market since 1990, Messil Gesso, has extensive experience and a qualified team ready to serve you. Coverings, walls and partitions. Specializing in the coatings area (known as gypsum plaster or smooth) on walls and ceilings, decorations, high level of quality and service. As well as the fulfillment of the proposed timelines.
Mesil Gesso
This company is specializing in the business of decorations, interior architecture and exterior plaster and cement. Working in this market since 1990, Messil Gesso, has extensive experience and a qualified team ready to serve you. Coverings, walls and partitions. Specializing in the coatings area (known as gypsum plaster or smooth) on walls and ceilings, decorations, high level of quality and service. As well as the fulfillment of the proposed timelines.